Saturday, May 1, 2010

bye. my third year.

Actually, the moment I write this new post, I am not finished my paper yet. One more to go. Yeah. I will. I love Law of Insurance as the lecture no so naughty like the others. But, seriously, I only have a day to cover all the six chapter. Sophy can do it. I trust my self. Basiccally, The law of insurance is very simple. Usually, the dispute will be settled out of court, it means, by arbitration process as most of insurance policy agreement provided arbitration clause. Hahaha. Stop testing myself. I really understand what I read after so long I didn't use my mind as it should be. Basically, the topic for my new post is, Review on semester six as an LLB student. Huh. I am not feeling well when I am writing this, my heart will go on.

Talking about friends, it is clearly different compared to what I had wrote for last semester review. Maybe some of you alarm about it. I did'nt lost any of my friend, but, somebody lost me as their friend. Got it? hee... I will always remember the date: 19 Dec 2009. I started my 6th semester with my broken heart. My "heart cannot go on" for my first step. seriously I cant. Frankly, now, I still feel the pain. The purest pain of mine. Huh. Vidaaaa

I am so glad as I still blessed with great friends who always with me, although they know about what happened. My boys, love u damn much. My girls, love crazy. I alarmed that I am not well-communicate will all of my mates, but, quality is better than quantity. Am I right?

Faizal Faiz Hasani: Life is just like a circle. Up and down. Come, go, come, go and come, maybe, go back. We are not a best friend, but at least, we start know each other better. You help me lots from my emotions parts. Thanks. Congrate for ur relationship. Heee. Every of use did mistakes before. Do correct it. Dont repeat it. Runnnnnnnnnn! lallalallala. By the way, I have to wake up. You too. Wake up!

Auliat: Oh my President. Wake up sis. Yeap, I cant deny that you help me lots, but, help yourself first. You are the only one who listed as my beloved friend for every semester. We are not so close, but, we know eah other better. I will miss ur stomach greatly. Huh. Damn. *zzzzzzz*

Others: love you two.

Shazwan Sazali: also thanksssssssssss lotssss for everything.

Girls: Farrah and the gangs, Farid and the gangs, Mak Datin2... love u very much. Oh, forget, Ila and the gangs. Miss u sises. lallalalal

Ucapian: we start greatly close like a family. But, dont laugh to much.

Basically, I dont feel so good. You know ehy. I lost someone important to my life. The person who thought me lots of thing. When I lost that person, I lost my way.

My study went down. Disaster. Want to know my carrymark? get this.. huh. Securities, 37. second lowest. congrate for me. 46, 47, 49 for equity, land, and family accordingly. But, alhamdulillah, I got highest for insurance law, 57/60. Finally, after a year. I come back. Huh.

YAB no more happy as before. I don't know why. I lost the feel that I posses before.

Law Dinner 2010 is the great. Congrate for my beloved juniors. Great. Love it. I am just can say thumb up. I performed a poem for some one that. Huh.

I just joined a debate, integriti at UMS. team? huh. win two out of six. what do you think? huh. however, finally, three of us ranked as best top 10. I admit that it does not necessarily true. But, at least, Muched, Jay and I had fulfilled our promised to Kak Amutha before. But, I admit, we are so bad. lost. loose. looser. huh. thanks and sorry seniors.

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