Monday, November 9, 2009

Public International Law: my first reapair paper ever!

Case: Md Sofie v. En Ahmad Nasyran
Court: BK3
Judgement Date:Nov 10, 2009.
Civil Num: GLUP 2143

whether or not i did something right?
what i had done?

Due to a big problem of missing something "valuable and priceless" of mine, i lost my focus on the paper of Public International Law. i lost my spirit, confident and interest to study at the night (pre-exam night). I kept all of my notes insides my bag, made a great "distance" between us. I am decided to answer only a question as my carrymark already passed (43). so, i just need to present my examination, to make it D, then, i could repair it next semester.

then, i am seriously inside injured due to the timetable. we are law students, we have to memorize lots of cases in authority for every paper. however, i had 3 paper contionously from 9 to 11 of nov. OMG.. my other friends are more "lucky", they get 5 paper contionously (7 to 11). we are laready made several aplication regarding the schedule, but the application rejected by HEA. frankly speaking, i m not enough strong to stress my mind. i cant to force myself the things i cant do.

Thus, after made some confession with my friends, they give several suggesstion. my best friend said, its up to me. sure, i am here to get a good result. so, i have to make it D, so i could repair next semester. insyaallah.

today, seriously, i can answer several question confidently, and some question in vague as usual, but, i decided to answer only a question to make it D, as i dont want to make C, permanent. i want to graduate with 3.33... so, this is the only ways..

sorry alls....
thanks for my best friend for your spirit..


saya said...

hey sorry for what happen..hope u be strong...dun give up k..and btw..ure mot alone..=)

SOPHY said...
